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"Il treno" (1952-1954 / 1957-1960) Marcello D'Olivo, E. Belgrado e A. Bulfoni

Lignano Pineta - raggio dell'Ostro, raggio dello Scirocco

Civici Musei di Udine/ Gallerie del Progetto - Archivio D'Olivo

"Il Treno," Marcello D'Olivo's first project in Pineta, was designed to extend 110 meters along a sinuous street leading to the sea. The two-story building, featuring a pagoda-shaped concrete roof, integrates seamlessly into the urban plan, with its street, promenade, and a floral pergola supported by curved columns.

Lignano Pineta: An Urban and Architectural Revolution (1947-1959)

After World War II, Italy's reconstruction accelerated tourist development, with a particular focus on housing needs. In Lignano, designers carried forward the results of the debate on housing, advancing an experimental architectural culture. The Lignano Pineta plan, drafted by Marcello D'Olivo, was a fundamental act of urban regeneration, marked by a new urbanistic and architectural mindset that redefined the relationships between man, nature, and architecture.

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