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Albergo Italia (1929-1930) Pietro Zanini

Lignano Sabbiadoro - viale Italia, 7

Biblioteca del Comune di Lignano Sabbiadoro

The project dates back to January 8, 1929, and the hotel was inaugurated in early March 1930.

Zanini adopts a simplified classical language, with a façade characterized by tall rectangular windows, broken pediments, abstract decorations, and an elegant entrance with columns and a marble-clad atrium. The hotel conveys decorum and comfort, contrasting with the natural environment still afflicted by malaria.

The Growth of Lignano: From Its Beginnings to World War II (1903-1943)

Since its inception in 1903, Lignano developed from the eastern part towards the west, with tourism initiatives leading to the construction of the first hotels and villas along two main roads. After the destruction of the bathing establishment during the conflict, the city rebounded with the design of the Terrazza a Mare by Provino Valle, marking a new phase of urban development. In the 1930s, infrastructure improvements, such as roadworks and land reclamation, consolidated Lignano as a renowned tourist destination, characterized by the construction of important structures like the church, the marina, and the famous marine colony.

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Indirizzo 33100 Udine Via Monte San Marco n. 22

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C.F. 94157140305 | Indirizzo: Via Monte San Marco n. 22, 33100 Udine | Iscritta all'Albo delle Associazioni della Città di Lignano Sabbiadoro, n. 117 | Tutti i diritti riservati.

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